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Authorities and Councils
School Council
The School Council is the primary governing body of the school, with responsibility for overseeing elementary and secondary schooling. The Directly Managed Schools provide recommendations for the school’s strategic approach. It is accountable for all facets of the school’s pedagogical and educational endeavours. It does not substitute the Agency’s management in the areas for which they have responsibility.
It adopts various items, including:
- the school project, based on recommendations from the School Council and the Secondary School Council;
- the school’s internal rules, after consulting with the preparatory bodies (School Council, Secondary School Council, and Council of Delegates for student life);
- the school timetables and the calendar for the school year;
- the continuing education plan for all school staff, as proposed by the continuing education unit;
- the annual action program of the school-collège;
- the annual action program to address all forms of violence, discrimination, and harassment;
- the annual action plan for education on sustainable development and citizenship…
One of its functions is to render a decision through a voting process on:
- the job descriptions for the school’s staff, including creation, abolition, and transformation;
- the proposals for the development of teaching structures;
- the program of activities for the sports association, if applicable;
- the program of activities for other associations and clubs within the school, considering temporary authorisations for premises;
- the health and safety questions for the entire school community;
- the reception and support for pupils with special educational needs;
- the school catering;
- the budget and financial accounts of Directly Managed Schools…
Contact your representatives
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Secondary School Council
A Secondary School Council is established inside secondary schools.
The Secondary School Council is responsible for overseeing the activities of the School Council in relation to secondary schools, specifically focusing on the following areas:
- the teaching structures in secondary schools;
- the scheduling and timing of school activities and the academic calendar;
- the development of the secondary section of the school’s educational plan, incorporating suggestions from the Teaching Council, among others;
- the guidelines for accommodating the educational needs of pupils with special needs, while considering local constraints;
- the projects and organisation of school trips ;
- the yearly plan of action to address all types of violence, discrimination, and harassment within the school community ;
- the annual plan of action for promoting education on sustainable development and citizenship…
Contact your representatives
Parent Representatives
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Primary School Council
A Primary school council is established in all elementary schools, overseen by the School Director.
The School Council approves the school’s internal regulations upon the recommendation of the School Director.
The School Council must be involved in all aspects pertaining to the operation and functioning of the school. This includes, but is not limited to, the following:
- The teaching structures
– Establishing the organisation of school time and the school calendar; - Developing the school project or the first level of the school Project, based on the recommendations of the teacher’s council;
- Making arrangements for the education of pupils with special educational needs;
- Planning and organising discovery classes;
- Addressing matters concerning the hygiene, health, and safety of pupils in both the school and extracurricular environments.
Contact your representatives
Parent Representatives
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The CESCE, led by the school principal, functions as a think-tank and a mechanism for directing, observing, and overseeing the development, implementation, and assessment of an educational initiative focused on prevention, health education, citizenship, and sustainable development. This initiative is part of the school project that has been approved by the school council. These initiatives are essential components of the school project. The Committee offers assistance to individuals engaged in combating exclusion and specifically enhances connections between the school, parents, and external collaborators. The committee’s main objectives include fostering citizenship education, transmitting the values and principles of the Republic, promoting the principle of secularism and gender equality, and supporting programs aimed at preventing and combating all types of prejudice. The committee’s role also includes fostering and advancing collaborative efforts in the realm of environmental education and sustainable development.
The School Catering Committee provides expert advice to the school and works on proposals for strategic changes in catering matters.
Each school establishes a health and safety committee to address issues pertaining to the health and safety of the entire school community. This committee is set up in all schools, at least in accordance with the provisions of local law. The health and safety committee is involved in the following areas: - ensuring the health and safety of the educational community; - suggesting training programs for members of the educational community to be implemented in the field of health and safety; - ensuring compliance with and monitoring of all legal regulations regarding health and safety; - reviewing the outcomes of fire drills or potential security reaches; - coordinating safety measures to be taken in conjunction with the embassy and the AEFE’s safety advisor.
The committee’s objective is to provide assistance to families experiencing financial hardship. Due to its small size, it is not designed to cover the costs of school tuition.
At schools that provide upper secondary education, a student life council and a council of delegates for secondary school life are established. This forum serves as an exclusive platform for students to engage in listening and debate with each other, as well as with members of the educational community.
Secondary schools enforce disciplinary procedures. The Agency wants to highlight the delicate nature of disciplinary issues, as the choices made are likely to have a negative impact on the individuals involved. Prior to commencing disciplinary actions, the head teacher and the educational staff should make every effort to explore any beneficial pedagogical interventions, particularly through the educational committee. It is crucial to prioritise the task of ensuring that pupils are fully informed of their obligations. Convening a meeting of the Disciplinary Board is thus the final and gravest recourse.