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Rules and charters
The rules of procedure for the 1st grade
The rules of procedure for the1st grade, nursery, and elementary school establish the guidelines that regulate all aspects of school life. Additionally, they establish the rights and responsibilities of the educational community. School rules serve as an instructional document that allows students to gain knowledge about social life and citizenship, as they gradually develop a sense of responsibility.
The rules of procedure for the 2nd grade
A school is an institution where pupils get education and training to prepare them for their roles as individuals and members of society, by exercising their rights and fulfilling their obligations. The rules of procedure for the 2nd level (collège and lycée) serve the purpose of establishing a structured work environment, promoting civic education based on secular and democratic principles, facilitating inclusive teaching that encompasses all aspects of life, and fostering self-discipline by cultivating a sense of responsibility.
Financial Regulations
Payment of a fee is required to access the French public education system. By enrolling annually, the pupil agrees to pay the tuition fees and other additional expenses, and also agrees to abide by the terms and circumstances stated in these regulations. The rates for these services are determined annually by the governing bodies of the AEFE.
Internal working regulations
The objective of these internal regulations is to establish the rights, obligations, and rules of administration that govern the employment relationship between the Ankara Charles de Gaulle French School and its locally hired staff.
The professional collaboration between the AEFE, represented by the LCDG Ankara school director, and the locally-hired staff member adheres strictly and solely to local legislation, in accordance with the Universal Declaration of Human Rights of the UN General Assembly.
School trips and outings
The objective of this charter is to optimise the process of arranging school excursions and outings.
This policy is applicable to all pupil excursions and outings that are officially organised by the school administration as part of an educational initiative and occur either fully or partially during school hours. School trips and outings must align with the instructional objectives and curricula of the French national school system.
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