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ADALFA – Alumni Association
Created in 2013 as an association under the French law of 1901, ADALFA, the Alumni Association of the Lycée Français Charles de Gaulle in Ankara, seeks to bring all alumni of the Lycée.
Students, parents, teachers and management teams are all welcome to join our association.
Our primary objective is to establish connections among members in order to form a friendly network of reciprocal assistance in all domains.
We possess a database consisting of approximately 1.800 people. This database includes data on the educational pursuits of our alumni, the occupations they have selected, the positions they presently occupy, and their global distribution.
As a member of ALFM, Association des Lycées Français du Monde (Alumni of French schools around the world), Adalfa has the privilege of accessing the comprehensive database of all alumni French school worldwide, in addition to its own database. This allows us to establish a more extensive network for the advantage of all our members. The databases are not accessible to the general public in order to maintain the confidentiality of each member’s data. Information and contact details are only shared after gaining permission from them on a specific subject.
To promote direct contact among its members, ADALFA frequently organises evening events, and in January 2023 it also jointly organised with the Union des Lycées Franco turcs de Turquie de Paris a webinar between the two Ambassadors of France in Ankara and Türkiye in Paris, H.E. Hervé MAGRO and H.E. Ali ONANER on the centenary of the Turkish Republic.
If you would like to get involved or send us your ideas, suggestions or any other comments, please contact us by e-mail: