
The primary objective of the School Health Service is to enhance the well-being of the school community. It is situated on the ground floor of the main building at INCEK, near reception. It operated continuously from Monday to Friday, commencing at 7:30am and concluding at 5:00pm.


  • Prevention of illness and health problems, both individual and collective
  • Health promotion and education
  • Integrating students with chronic diseases or learning difficulties and supporting their academic success.

This form is intended to provide INFORMATION.

  • It’s imperative that new students complete it at the beginning of the academic year.
  • For students who are already registered, the renewal process must be completed every academic year in case they are any updates or modifications to be made.
  • If the health form contains CONFIDENTIAL information, you may send it back to us by enclosing it in an envelope.

The health form can be downloaded here : (Primary form) (Secondary form)

The infirmary is open Monday to Friday from 7.30am to 5pm.

School nurse :
Tel. : +90 312 460 19 98
School psychologist :
Tel. : +90 312 460 19 98

Health assistance activities

Provision of medical attention and support to pupils in case of accident or illnesses

In case of acute diseases:

  • The nurse assesses the signs and symptoms in order to provide diagnostic guidance and administer the necessary care.
  • The Health Service may administer medication in certain cases.
  • Decision-making for pupil follow-up: return into the classroom, allow them to go home, or arrange for their transfer to a hospital.
    In case of accident:
  • The nurse evaluates the signs and symptoms to obtain a diagnostic perspective and determines the seriousness of the accident.
  • The parents will be notified to transfer the child to emergency department for diagnosis and treatment; however, the nurse may alert the emergency service depending on the seriousness of the accident.
  • The nurse makes the accident declaration

In case of chronic diseases
Collaboration is required for monitoring and treating pupils’ chronic diseases. This involves following the instructions provided by the attending doctor or specialist, which may include using a Chronic Illness Control Sheet and creating an Individualised Care Plan. Exam arrangements can be customised individually.

Health examination at school
Health examinations are diagnostic assessments conducted to inform parents about potential health issues that could affect their child’s education. These assessments are conducted on all students in Grande Section and on all students who are starting Year 6.

Health promotion actions

A multitude of health promotion workshops are held at various levels. The covered topics encompass diet and nutrition, puberty and sexuality education, changes experienced throughout adolescence, addiction prevention, bullying prevention, and the appropriate utilisation of social networks…